Implementation of APPGM-SDG Solutions Projects and Impact Evaluations in Malaysia's Central Region
APPGM-SDG, central region, impact evaluation, Malaysian parliament, SDG, TVETAbstract
The Malaysian Parliament established the All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on the Sustainable Development Goals (APPGM-SDG) in response to growing public awareness of Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDG, 2030). One of the purposes of this research is to examine the SDG implications of beneficiary solution projects as part of a bipartisan endeavour to improve the implementation of SDG targets in Malaysian parliamentary seats. In the Central Region, which encompasses the parliamentary seats of a few districts in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, and Pahang, a team is entrusted with compiling a report to combine the impact evaluation of SDG efforts. From October to December 2022, the regional research examined the effects of psychology and these projects' knowledge, skills, networks, and systems on the beneficiaries of the solution projects via document analysis, focus group discussions, and site visits. The effectiveness of solution providers in managing and carrying out projects, the effect on the beneficiaries, the alignment and mapping of the impact evaluations of the solution providers with the SDG goals and APPGM-SDG modules, and the identification of challenges and suggested fixes are also covered in the paper. The research also presents the quantitative analysis performed by the evaluators using standardised questionnaires that gauge six (6) essential factors: Deep, Wide, Clear, High, SDG, and Gender. The main finding is that eradicating poverty is the aim of every solution projects. Most participants are unacquainted with the SDG, and COVID-19 has stifled most of the discourse. The research recommends combining online and offline approaches and adding employment possibilities to enhance communication between parties and give more significant opportunities for society after project execution.