Transformer Oil and Coil Winding Temperature Monitoring System using IoT


  • Eunice Felicia Enggu FKEE
  • Jabbar Al-fattah Yahaya


Transformer, IoT, ThingSpeak, Oil temperature, Coil winding temperature


The transformer is a vital component of an electrical system. A variety of factors, such as transformer temperature, must be monitored and examined to keep the transformer in good working order. However, doing it conventionally by deploying a person to monitor and examine could result in measurement errors due to human mistakes. This study presents a review of IoT (Internet of Things) based on the temperature of oil and coil winding monitoring. The purpose of the temperature monitoring system implement remotely is to do the process of monitoring by using Arduino and a temperature sensor. ThingSpeak is a platform used in this system in which the data collected will be stored in the cloud. The data collected is then validated and thus the purpose of the IoT system is to work satisfactorily.






Electrical and Power Electronics

How to Cite

Enggu, E. F., & Yahaya, J. A.- fattah. (2022). Transformer Oil and Coil Winding Temperature Monitoring System using IoT. Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 3(2), 584-590.