Beef and Pork Meat Classification using MobileNet V2 Algorithm via Android Smartphone Application


  • Alif Fazhan Abdol Rahman Father
  • Siti Zarina Mohd Muji
  • Chessda Uttraphan Eh Kan Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


MobileNet V2, Android Studio, Beef, Pork, Epochs


Each type of animal meat exhibits distinct color and texture characteristics. For instance, beef typically presents a dark red hue with a chewy texture, while pork displays a paler red color with a smoother fiber. Previous research has utilized methods such as the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), hue saturation value (HSV), and color intensity for meat classification. In this study, we employed a MobileNet-V2 implemented in a Jupyter notebook, utilizing the MobileNetV2 model, to classify beef and pork meat. The dataset comprised 488 of each meat image after the augmentation process, partitioned into training (70%), testing (20%), and validation (10%) sets. Before partitioning, images were resized to 128×128 pixels. The model was trained using the training dataset with 100 epochs and the Adam optimizer, resulting in an accuracy of 96.93%.






Computer and Network

How to Cite

Abdol Rahman, A. F., Mohd Muji, S. Z., & Chessda Uttraphan Eh Kan. (2024). Beef and Pork Meat Classification using MobileNet V2 Algorithm via Android Smartphone Application. Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 5(1), 292-297.