Nurul Ummahat Yogyakarta Inclusive Islamic Boarding School in Realizing Community Harmonization


  • Adi Wibowo UIN SAIZU Purwokerto Jalan Ahmad Yani No 40A, Purwokerto, 53126, INDONESIA
  • DR universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, MALAYSIA


Islamic boarding school, Nurul Ummahat, World peace, Inclusive


In the era of globalization at this time, religious people are faced with religious plurality, social conflict and radicalism. Therefore, to realize the peace aspired to by the international world, it requires a person who still holds fast to the purity of religious teachings that are able to adapt to the culture of society and exclusively. And to realize such a person, we need an institution of religious education that teaches true religious values. The existence of the pesantren Nurul Ummahat as a religious education institution as well as an agent of peace has inspired the international world. In the midst of religious social conflicts, this pesantren is able to realize harmony in religious communities in the midst of domestic and international society. Through religious dialogues and cross-faith social practical activities, Nurul Ummahat was able to actualize the concept of Islam rahmatan lil 'alamin as the basis of Islamic boarding schools.




How to Cite

Wibowo, A. (2024). Nurul Ummahat Yogyakarta Inclusive Islamic Boarding School in Realizing Community Harmonization (H. . Mohd Khalid , Trans.). Advances in Humanities and Contemporary Studies, 5(1), 23-30.