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This book is intended to serve as a practical aid for students and an attempt to present haematology and transfucion medicine in a concise and simplified manner where areas of importance are highlighted. It is not aimed to replace for coverage of haematology available in text books but intended to assist students in understanding the laboratory aspects of haematology better. The reader should not expect to find comprehensive discussions of the topic dealt herein but importance of each laboratory test is highlighted including its practical aspects.

The laboratory diagnosis of disorders in relation to red cell, white cell, haemostasis and aspects of transfusion medicine are discussed in a practical approach. Case studies form part of the integral approach to understand haematological diseases.

This book is a ‘must’ for the desk of a students in laboratory aspects of haematology.


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Roback, J.D., Combs, M.R., Grossman, B.J., Hillyer, C.D. (Eds) (2008). Technical Manual. 16th Edition, AABB, Bethesda, MD, pp 877-897.

Dacie, S.J.V. and Lewis, S.M. (2012). Practical Haematology. 11th Edition, UK: Churchill Livingstone.

Harmening, D.M. (2005). Modern Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices. 5th Edition. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Co.

Dacie, S.J.V. and Lewis, S.M. (2012).Practical Haematology. 11th Edition. UK: Churchill Livingstone. www.practicalhaemostasis.com. Accessed on 15th August 2011 and 8th January 2013.

Harrison, P., Mackie, I., Mumford, A., Briggs, C., Liesner, R., Winter, M., Machin, S. and British Committee for Standards in Haematology (2011). Guidelines for the laboratory investigation of heritable disorders of platelet function. British Journal of Haematology, 155:30-44.

Dacie, S.J.V. and Lewis, S.M. (2012). Practical Haematology. 11th Edition. UK: Churchill Livingstone.

Kaplov, L.S. (1965). Simplified myeloperoxidase stain using benzidine dihydrochloride. Blood, 26:215.

Bain, B.J., Clark, D.M., Wilkins, B.S., Lampert I.A. (2008).Bone Marrow Pathology. 3rd Edition. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Dacie, S.J.V. and Lewis, S.M. (2012). Practical Haematology. 11th Edition. UK: Churchill Livingstone.


1 January 2017