This book is written for engineering students who take Numerical Methods at an undergraduate level. The publication of this book is motivated by our previous books “How to Use Calculator Casio fx-570 MS in Numerical Methods” which was published in 2006 and “Numerical Methods Using Casio fx-570ES Calculator” which was published in 2011 as well as our “Numerical Method (1.1 Edition)” module which was published in 2005. To accompany students who owned Casio FX-570ES PLUS calculator to apply numerical scheme using calculator for classroom and examination purposes, we’ve came up with a subsequent edition entitled “Numerical Methods With Casio fx-570 ES PLUS Calculator”. This edition focuses more on numerical methods with the aid of Casio fx-570 ES PLUS calculator if compared to previous two books which focuses more on step-by step methods on how to implement numerical methods using Casio fx-570 MS and Casio fx-570 ES button graphics with their immediate calculator screens. We hope that this book is beneficial to the lecturers and students in teaching and learning environment.