Application Smart Dustbin with IoT: TSPintar
Applikasi Tong Sampah Pintar Berasaskan Internet Pelbagai Perkara: TSPintar
Smart Trash, Arduino, Realtime Database, Android application.Abstract
: The purpose of this Smart Trash among other issues, to maintain the level of cleanliness of the environment and to maintain the hygiene of the public users who use it every time They are going to make garbage disposal. Smart Garbage Trash is one of the automated garbage bins where it is a modern technology perfect for use by any layer of society. This automated garbage can make it easy for the city to dispose of the garbage. The lid will open automatically as an entity enters the lid. If the garbage inside is maximum, this trash can alert the workers of the garbage collection process. Arduino IDE and Android Studio are used to create this framework and firebase to store data in a real-time database. The methodology used is based on the prototype approach since the implementation of the system is easy to use as a prototype model. Java and C are the languages used. The hardware used includes the Arduino microcontroller, Wi-Fi, sensor and servo controller. The key function of this servo is to automatically open the lid of the garbage. Although Wi-Fi and sensors function as direct alerts and track garbage using smartphones. Finally, with the development of this scheme, the hygiene of the environment can be ensured and people around the area are being comforted.