UTHM Residential Booking System
Booking System 1, Web-based system 2Abstract
The hostel booking system is an aspect that needs to be emphasized by a
university. Parit Raja Campus Residential College is one of the residential colleges
that used a booking system to book hostels for all its students. Thus, this web-based
system was created to facilitate students to know if the college and room that they
want to use are available or not at that time. This system is designed into two sections
which are the administrator and student section and four main modules which are
the login module, student module, room allotment module, and settings module. This
project is implemented using the prototype model and Bracket development software,
MySQL as the database and PHP as the scripting language. The hostel booking
system will be the ideal way to handle resident management issues because it will
allow for simple online applications. Therefore, a hostel that operates without any
problems or errors aids the educational institution in strengthening its own brand.