Focus and Scope

Focus and Scope

The Journal offers thorough, independent and expert papers to inform relevant audience of the thinking and practice in the fields of :

  1. Technology and Innovation Management
  2. Information Management and Communication Technology
  3. Production and Operations in Management
  4. Construction Technology Management
  5. Real Estate and Facilities Management
  6. Business and Entrepreneurship

These respective fields include the followong areas:

•    Philosophical and conceptual
•    Theories and practices
•    Boundaries, Policies and Standards
•    Professionalism and survival issues
•    Green and Sustainable Strategies and Policies
•    Methodological approaches
•    Regulatory issues
•    Development and redevelopment
•    Management, maintenance and refurbishment
•    Sustainability Issues
•    New and emerging trends
•    New thinking and Initiatives
•    Management techniques and best practice
•    Technology updates