Analyzing the Heat Transfer Rate of Nanostructures of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) / Al2O3 Utilizing Molecular Dynamics Simulations


  • Zahra Al-Timimi Laser Physics Department, College of Science for Women,University of Babylon, Hillah, 51001, IRAQ
  • Zeina J. Tammemi College of Dentistry,University of Babylon, Hillah, 51001, IRAQ


Dynamics, Fourier's law, metal, heat, simulations


The main methods for preventing fires are physical, chemical, or a combination of the two. One of the main thermophysical characteristics that connect the chemical structure is thermal diffusivity. The relationship between heat transport as well as heat resistance has been thoroughly established in the literature. Heat transmission can also be connected to various fire-retardant characteristics, like maximal heat release or time to ignite, which rank among the most crucial factors in defining the potential fire danger of a specific material. The thermal stability, as well as fire-retardant qualities of polymers, are enhanced by metal oxides. In the present investigation, simulations of molecular dynamics constructed using the single atom approach are used to examine the consequence of Al2O3 nanoparticles on thermal transfer of isotactic Polymethyl methacrylate. In order to examine the heat transfer rate of poly (methyl methacrylate) besides poly (methyl methacrylate)/Al2O3 nanocomposite, capacity, density, as well as thermal transfer were measured within 300–700 K variety. It is possible to calculate heat capacity using fluctuating characteristics. Conductivity was calculated through a non-equilibrium modeling simulation using Fourier's law. The results show that the Al2O3 nanoparticles increase a transition temperature of glass; conductivity, in addition diffusivity of the Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) while decreasing the heat capacity


Author Biography

  • Zeina J. Tammemi , College of Dentistry,University of Babylon, Hillah, 51001, IRAQ










How to Cite

Al-Timimi, Z. ., & J. Tammemi , Z. . (2023). Analyzing the Heat Transfer Rate of Nanostructures of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) / Al2O3 Utilizing Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Sustainable Materials Processing and Management , 3(1), 54-61.