Infographics as A Medium for Dispersion of Hadith in Shawwal Celebration


  • Nurnajwa Izzati Ahmad Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Shawwal Hadiths, Infographics , Shawwal Etiquette


Infographics are a type of media that combines various elements, such as graphics, illustrations, and texts, in the same visual form. During the Eid Fitr celebration, mannerisms and etiquette while celebrating Shawwal should be practiced and emphasized among the Muslim community as the level of self-practice of etiquette during Eid celebrations is still low. Therefore, the dispersion of hadith related to Shawwal and its manners through infographics is a great effort that suits the current digital era. Thus, this article aims to analyze the hadiths of Shawwal and its etiquette while identifying infographic media as a medium to disperse knowledge. This qualitative study was conducted by analyzing the master books of hadiths. Study findings show that there are 30 different manners related to the Shawwal celebration based on the explanation of the hadiths, which said hadiths are spread in social media through infographics. Meanwhile, only six hadiths were chosen for analysis purposes in this study. The impact of infographics, which is able to get the readers intrigued because of their graphic and informative elements, further encourages the use of media to convey information to society. Even though there are various methods of conveying and spreading information, the importance of media holds a big role in society, making it the best choice for dispersing knowledge.



How to Cite

Ahmad, N. I. (2024). Infographics as A Medium for Dispersion of Hadith in Shawwal Celebration. Journal of Quranic Sciences and Research, 5(1).