Robotic Delivery System for Multi-Storey Condominium Complexes


  • Nicholas Teo Yong Yeow Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
  • Tew Yiqi Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
  • Sing Hsia Yeoh Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
  • Yiauw Kah Haur Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
  • Lim Ming Jun Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
  • Ng Yik Heng Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
  • Tan Hui Shan Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College


Delivery Robot, Webots, NodeRED, MQTT, PostgreSQL, Android, A*, Obstacle Avoidance, Advantech


In certain environments like condominium complexes, couriers are only allowed to drop off their payloads at designated drop-off stations instead of delivering it directly to the recipient. This practice has become more common in condominium during the Covid-19 pandemic, in part due to government SOPs encouraging their adoption. This project aims to develop a partially automated delivery system using robot couriers that would deliver the payloads from the drop-off stations directly to the recipient, removing the need for manual collection. The system is made up of a central database, a simulated delivery robot and two Android applications for interfacing with the system. The applications and database are used to arrange the delivery request and the robot services it by navigating the complex. The Robotic Multi-Storey Delivery System is able to perform deliveries within a controlled condominium environment, use QR codes to verify recipients and displays the system status clearly on a dashboard which is linked to a database. It is a fully software project where a simulated environment for robot delivery system was developed.







How to Cite

Nicholas Teo Yong Yeow, Tew Yiqi, Yeoh, S. H., Yiauw Kah Haur, Lim Ming Jun, Ng Yik Heng, & Tan Hui Shan. (2022). Robotic Delivery System for Multi-Storey Condominium Complexes. Journal of Electronic Voltage and Application, 3(1), 1-15.