Vibration Energy Regeneration System Using Piezoelectric Sensor for Wideband Application


  • Nur Hazlin Azhar Centre for Telecommunication Research & Innovation, Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, MALAYSIA
  • Amat Amir Basari Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
  • Khairul Anuar Mohamad Microelectronic and Nanotechnology-Shamsuddin Research Centre, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, 86400, Batu Pahat, Johor, MALAYSIA


Piezoelectric sensor, wide bandwidth, non-uniform mass, center of gravity


This paper presents a method for widening bandwidth by using non-uniform mass which use the concept of center of gravity. Piezoelectric acts as a tool to convert vibration energy to electrical energy. The displacement from the liquid movement plays a role to enhance the bandwidth as the beam bends. The bandwidth is widened 2 times higher compared without tip mass and 1.6 times increased than that of solid tip-mass. High viscosity and density will give a greater effect on the bandwidth at low volume compared to low properties of fluid. Rectangular container can resist the tension of liquid due to high viscosity and volume. The fluid-filled mass technique widened the bandwidth without reducing the harvested power.







How to Cite

Azhar, N. H. ., Basari, A. A. ., & Mohamad, K. A. . (2022). Vibration Energy Regeneration System Using Piezoelectric Sensor for Wideband Application. Emerging Advances in Integrated Technology, 3(1), 36-43.