Cafe Order Notification Tools Using Wireless with Point to Multipoint Communication Model


  • Arief Budi Laksono Universitas Islam Lamongan, Veteran Street 35A, Lamongan-East Java, 62211, Indonesia
  • Affan Bachri Universitas Islam Lamongan, Veteran Street 35A, Lamongan-East Java, 62211, Indonesia
  • Achmad Farhan Willyanto Universitas Islam Lamongan, Veteran Street 35A, Lamongan-East Java, 62211, Indonesia


internet of things, Wemos D1 Mini, ESP8266, Microcontroller, Blynk Application


Day by day, new technologies and devices are developed that can help improve performance because technology makes things more accessible and economical. Various tools have been developed to facilitate human work. The author uses the ESP8266 Wemos D1 Mini as the brain of all components and the Blynk application as a device controller. This project includes a charger module, push button, LED, 1.3-inch OLED LCD, buzzer, transistor, and 1000mAH Lithium Ion battery. This research also applies an Internet of Things technology. Therefore, this paper, titled Cafe Order Notification Tool Using a Wireless Communication Model With Point To Multipoint, is developed with the working principle of (i) customers make an order, (ii) customers are given a queue notification tool for this cafe order, (iii) once the order is ready, the cashier control the device using the Blynk application and send a signal to the device. Then, if the tool exceeds the range and the WiFi network is disconnected, the tool will issue an alarm sound and an indicator on the LCD "Network Disconnected" within 20 meters. With a distance of 25 meters, tool number 1 can still be reached but tool numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5 are no longer reachable, whereas when they are kept about 30 meters away, all tools cannot reach the WiFi network that has been provided.




How to Cite

Laksono, A. B. ., Bachri, A., & Willyanto, A. F. (2023). Cafe Order Notification Tools Using Wireless with Point to Multipoint Communication Model. Evolution of Information, Communication and Computing System, 4(1), 106-112.