Smart Vending Machine Counter using IoT


  • Athir Jaafar Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Mohd Norzali Mohd Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


Vending machines (VM) normally operate in areas such as public transit platforms, stadiums, freeway rest stops, or corridors in shopping malls. These types of locations cause problems for IoT solutions exclusively reliant on the cloud for the purpose of data processing aspects [1]. Within smart VM, the user can order products using a smart phone without interaction with the vending machine in this system. Tallying smartness to a machine similarly increases complexity. While the cost of sensors continues to drop, it is important to outfit an entire cabinet with sensors on every shelf, slot, or spiral. In addition, software versions and configurations require periodic updates. These considerations raise the stakes for retailers seeking to retrofit existing vending machines for today’s connected world [3]. The next generation of intelligent vending machines proposes huge opportunities for business transformation through the (IoT) and cloud-based technologies [2]. VM vendors and operators can look forward to more effective ways to engage customers, increase sales, and save money through remote management and predictive maintenance. Advanced data analytics help them better match machines and stock to each location, as well as obtain valuable insights on the effectiveness of promotions, pricing, location, weather, season, and other factors [2]-[4].




How to Cite

Jaafar, A. ., & Mohd, M. N. . (2022). Smart Vending Machine Counter using IoT. Evolution of Information, Communication and Computing System, 2(1), 63-75.