Analysis of Vehicle Ride and Handling Performance on Variable Vehicle Load and Speed Using Simulation Method


  • Muhamad Hafiz Izzudin Omar Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Syabillah Sulaiman Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Muhammad Asri Azizul Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


CarSim ®, Handling Performance, Ride Performance, 7-DOF


Perodua Myvi is one of its class's leading local vehicles. However, when it comes to ride and handling, it has its own share of problems as there were many complaints circulating around saying that the Myvi is not so comfortable for both passengers and drivers. Therefore, the goals of this Bachelor Degree Project are to set up the study of vehicle ride and handling using the simulation method and to analyse the performance of vehicle ride and handling on variable vehicle load and speed. CarSim ® software was chosen to analyze vehicle body bounce, pitch, roll and four-wheel vertical motion on 7-DOF of vehicle ride and handling model. The mathematical vehicle modeling software which is CarSim ® software was used to represent an actual vehicle which is Perodua Myvi. The actual Perodua Myvi parameters become an input for CarSim ® simulation model. In addition, two types of simulation will be conducted which are ride comfort simulation and handling simulation. For vehicle ride comfort simulation, these models were simulated on different speed which are 8, 12 and 16 km/h with chassis twist road test. The simulation was designed to compare the results on different speed. For vehicle handling simulation, double lane change procedure was conducted with variable vehicle load. Graphs were recorded and analysed for tire acceleration, body acceleration, yaw, pitch and roll acceleration. The success of this project will enable researchers and consumers to significantly improve vehicle ride and handling performance.







How to Cite

Omar, M. H. I., Sulaiman, S., & Azizul, M. A. (2021). Analysis of Vehicle Ride and Handling Performance on Variable Vehicle Load and Speed Using Simulation Method. Progress in Engineering Application and Technology, 2(1), 667-682.